Help! We sold our house and have these old cars to get rid of!
To you it is your old beloved car, so many wonderful memories for you. To you Realtor® it is a potential stumbling block to reaching that all important "curb appeal" status that is so greatly desired. To the town, if there are more than one it is a fine waiting to happen. (Depending on where you live, the amount of unregistered vehicles allowed can vary) To your insurance company it is a hazzard. To a potential buyer it screams "run away run away".
And where there are one, there are usually two. Old, unregistered vehicles tend to attract more, it is law. There is always the relative or friend who saw the old car in your yard and asked could they just leave their old, beloved car with yours? Trust me, these old cars travel in packs.
You always meant to fix it up, somehow the car was relegated to the back corner of the yard. At one time there was a cover over it, now there are remnants of the blue tarp flying streamers from the back of the car. The mice have moved in, the tires died years ago, only you see the beauty shining through the eyesore in your yard. The neighbors stopped talking to you after they saw raccoons and mice moving in.
Best case scenario? The car should have been removed prior to the house being put on the market. Worst case scenario? You are two days away from closing, the ground is saturated and you can't move the car without tearing up the yard beyond repair.
There is nothing worse than your agent having to contact your attorney and telling them there is a problem two days before the closing. The ground is too soft to move the vehicles, it is going to cost an arm and a leg to have them moved, the guy who promised to take them never showed up, the person who really owns the car never came, you can't find the title to junk the car. Yes, money can be put in escrow, the problem is still looming over your head and now you have angry buyers waiting for you to come and remove the eyesore(s) without tearing up their new yard.
Other option is call the fire department, sometimes you can donate vehicles to be used in "Jaws of Life" demonstrations, or they set them on fire to learn how to put them off. You beloved friend will die a good death (again) and possibly save the lives of others. A totally worthy cause. Whatever you decide to do with it (them) don't delay!

To you it is your old beloved car, so many wonderful memories for you. To you Realtor® it is a potential stumbling block to reaching that all important "curb appeal" status that is so greatly desired. To the town, if there are more than one it is a fine waiting to happen. (Depending on where you live, the amount of unregistered vehicles allowed can vary) To your insurance company it is a hazzard. To a potential buyer it screams "run away run away".
And where there are one, there are usually two. Old, unregistered vehicles tend to attract more, it is law. There is always the relative or friend who saw the old car in your yard and asked could they just leave their old, beloved car with yours? Trust me, these old cars travel in packs.
You always meant to fix it up, somehow the car was relegated to the back corner of the yard. At one time there was a cover over it, now there are remnants of the blue tarp flying streamers from the back of the car. The mice have moved in, the tires died years ago, only you see the beauty shining through the eyesore in your yard. The neighbors stopped talking to you after they saw raccoons and mice moving in.
Best case scenario? The car should have been removed prior to the house being put on the market. Worst case scenario? You are two days away from closing, the ground is saturated and you can't move the car without tearing up the yard beyond repair.
There is nothing worse than your agent having to contact your attorney and telling them there is a problem two days before the closing. The ground is too soft to move the vehicles, it is going to cost an arm and a leg to have them moved, the guy who promised to take them never showed up, the person who really owns the car never came, you can't find the title to junk the car. Yes, money can be put in escrow, the problem is still looming over your head and now you have angry buyers waiting for you to come and remove the eyesore(s) without tearing up their new yard.
Other option is call the fire department, sometimes you can donate vehicles to be used in "Jaws of Life" demonstrations, or they set them on fire to learn how to put them off. You beloved friend will die a good death (again) and possibly save the lives of others. A totally worthy cause. Whatever you decide to do with it (them) don't delay!